Setting report output options

NOTE  For Express Reports, report options are set on the Options tab. Refer to Options tab.

As a report creator, you can separately configure options that determine how reports are generated, and report viewer options that determine interactive report features in the HTML output format after the report has been generated.

About general report options

The settings on the Report Options window determine if the report can be run in HTML format (in the Viewer), what the default and the allowed export settings are, and other settings that determine the look and feel of the generated report.

NOTE  The report may display differently in different output options, especially if it is complex or contains a large number of columns. For example, PDF output will attempt to re-size the report to fit on the specified page size. We suggest you run a test copy of the report and, if needed, adjust the formatting, for example, change the type size or allow text to wrap. Refer to Formatting and editing LiveReports.

About Report Viewer options

After running a report in the Report Viewer, you can make further modifications. Interactive options include the ability to apply format changes, re-size and hide columns, change the column sort, and apply filters to the generated report. These changes can be exported to other formats, discarded, or saved as a separate copy of the report depending on the settings.

Some of these options are available in all HTML reports including Express Reports without needing to be enabled. Some are configured in the Report Viewer Options window.

How to...