API-only Categories

In Autotask, you can create organization, ticket, and device categories that are identified as API-only. Such categories are hidden everywhere you manually select a category; they are only used when organizations, tickets, and devices are created via the API.

The point of setting up API-only categories is to control the available values, the default value, and the Required setting of fields in entities generated by specific integration vendors or in devices transferred from specific RMM tools.

EXAMPLE  You are creating a ticket category for the Continuum integration that will be applied to all Continuum tickets transferred via the API. On the Details tab, you expose the normally hidden Continuum Owner, Continuum Status, and Continuum Ticket ID UDFs. You also assign the ticket to the right queues and resources, and set priority and due date as required.

API-only categories are assigned to organizations, tickets, and devices in one of the following ways:

  • organizations, tickets, or devices are created via the API, and an API-only category is assigned
  • organizations, tickets, or devices are imported or updated via the importer. You can populate the import spreadsheet with the name of an API-only category, and the import will be successful.
  • An organization, ticket, or device is associated with a category that is converted to API-only. This is possible as long as none of the following is true:
    • The category is a system category or the default category
    • One or more resources have this category as their default category
    • The ticket category is the Standard, Alert, or Standard (non-editable) ticket category
    • The ticket category is associated with one or more Incoming Email Processing mailboxes
    • The ticket category is associated with one or more Client Portal Request Types
  • You copy a ticket created via the API
  • You mark a ticket created via the API as Incident and create a new Problem