Autotask stores billable amounts using 4 decimal places. The amounts for individual billing items are rounded to 2 decimal places when approved and posted. Because invoice totals are calculated after approving and posting, totals are calculated based on the rounded amounts that appear on the invoice.
EXAMPLE Example 1: The billable amounts used to calculate the Total Billable Amount were rounded to 2 decimal places, that is, the same amounts as those displayed in the Billable Amount column. The Total Billable Amount = 481.83, the exact amount of the sum of items in the Billable Amount column. There are no discrepancies.
When this system setting is enabled, labor items are rounded to 4 decimal places after approving and posting. Calculations for all invoice amounts are based on 4 decimal places, not 2. Each item is then rounded separately for display on the invoice.
Because the billable amount for each labor item is rounded to 2 for display on the invoice, but the invoice totals are calculated with 4 decimal places before they are rounded to 2 decimals for display, there may be slight discrepancies between the totals displayed on the invoice and the actual sum of the items in the Billable Amount column.
EXAMPLE Example 2: The billable amounts used to calculate the Total Billable Amount were rounded to 4 decimal places and the actual total equals 481.8365. That figure rounds to the Total Billable Amount displayed on the invoice, 481.84. If you add the figures displayed in the Billable Amount column to calculate the Total Billable Amount, the total equals 481.83. The missing .01 is in the 2 decimals that are not displayed on the invoice.
NOTE If you do not enable this system setting, we recommend that you enable the next system setting, Use 4 decimal places for Invoices and QuickBooks instead of 2 decimal places.
NOTE This system setting applies to XML exports as well as generated invoices.