Payment Processing using BNG
Autotask Payment Processing is an integration of Autotask with the Kaseya BNG Payment Gateway through its ConnectBooster user interface. Once set up, Autotask customers can:
- Accept credit card or eCheck payments right in Autotask
- Allow their clients to process payments themselves in the Client Portal. Refer to Making a payment on an invoice.
- Apply payments made to a voided invoice to another invoice
- Issue full refunds
Once the integration is set up, you can process payments directly in Autotask, while the client's wallet information is stored in a secure vault in the payment gateway. At no time does Autotask store credit card or account numbers, not even in an encrypted format.
IMPORTANT If you are currently processing payments through another payment gateway such as the QuickBooks payment gateway, make sure that only one payment gateway is enabled at the same time. Nothing will prevent you from processing the same payment twice.

Processing a payment means collecting payment information (that is, credit card or account numbers) in Autotask, applying it to an invoice, and transmitting it to the payment gateway. A Transaction ID is issued by the ACH network and synced to Autotask.
The transaction type is a Sale. On the Payment Search page, the Sale Amount is equal to the Payment Amount and the Applied Amount.

If a customer disputes an invoice item and you end up voiding the invoice the payment was applied to, the sale and the payment transaction still happened, but the invoice it was applied to is longer associated with the payment. So there is now an Unapplied Amount equal to the sale amount, and the Applied Amount is zeroed out.
The unapplied amount can be applied to another invoice with an equal or lower total.
If an unapplied amount was applied to an invoice with a lower sales total than the original invoice, a refund is issued for the difference. As a result, the Unapplied Amount is now 0.00, and the Refund Amount is the difference between the total of the original invoice and the invoice the unapplied amount was applied to (the Applied Amount).
The same transaction has now a sale and a partial refund listed.

Instead of applying the unapplied amount to another invoice, you can also issue a full refund. On the table, the entire amount is now shown in the Refund Amount column, and the Unapplied Amount is now $0.00.
On the View Payment Details window, a second row shows the refund.
IMPORTANT The refund will not be communicated to the payment gateway. To actually issue a refund to your client, you must issue it manually from the payment gateway.

It is always possible that something prevents a transaction from settling in the payment gateway: a credit card is frozen, an account is overdrawn, etc. Currently, this information is not synced to Autotask. To remove this payment that now does not exist in the payment gateway, you have the option to cancel the payment in Autotask.
If you cancel, the check mark is removed from the transaction. The payment happened (there is a Transaction ID), but the Sale Amount, Refund Amount, Unapplied Amount and Applied Amount are all set to 0.00. The Date Paid is removed from the associated invoice and the invoice is returned to the state before the payment was processed.
If you have enabled the integration with KaseyaOne, a Cooper Insight will remind you to "Enable the Autotask and CB integration for electronic payments."