Notification panel

Instead of the notification tab or the notification section, Autotask entity pages such as the Ticket, Task, Time Entry, Note, Organization, Opportunity, and Device pages feature a Notification panel.

  • The panel is separate from the page. You can open it from a floating handle at the bottom of the page. The handle displays a badge that indicates how many unique notification recipients are currently selected. When recipients are selected, the badge turns orange.

  • When you click the handle, the notification panel slides up.
  • The panel can have three input boxes, To, Cc, and Bcc. Initially, only the To box is displayed. To display the Cc and Bcc boxes, click the links in the top right corner.
  • Click in the To box to see the role-based recipients for the entity, plus all active workgroups. When you select a role-based recipient, the person currently assigned to the role will receive the notification. Internal resources and workgroups are identified by a green dot; external contacts by a purple dot.

  • The email addresses of To: and CC: recipients, but not any BCC: recipients will be added to the internal note.
  • If the Contact does not accept task and ticket email notifications option has been selected for an external contact, the notification email will not be sent, even if they are selected by role or name here. Refer to Notification Exclusions.

NOTE  On the New Opportunity and Edit Opportunity pages, external contacts are not available for selection.

NOTE  Regardless of the recipient selection on the notification panel, task and ticket notes can have an Internal or Internal & Co-managing setting that will prevent users and co-managing users from receiving notifications about notes they are not able to see.

How to...