How contracts are applied

SECURITY Security level with access to Service Desk and/or projects, or time entry permissions to modify contracts on task and ticket time entries
NAVIGATION New/Edit Ticket page or New/Edit Project page or Task Time Entry or Ticket Time Entry
You can apply a contract to projects or tickets in the following ways:

To manually select a contract for a ticket:
- Open the New Ticket or Edit Ticket page. Refer to Adding, copying, and editing tickets.
If a default Service Desk contract exists for this organization, its name, followed by [Default Service Desk Contract], populates the Contract field.
If a device associated with a contract is referenced on the ticket, the device's contract name populates the Contract field.
You can manually override any of these selections.
- Click the selector icon next to the Contract Name field to open the contract selector. The list displays all active contracts for the organization and, if it is a sub-organization, all active contracts for the parent organization, sorted by contract type. Parent contracts are identified by a check mark.
If the end date is in the past, it is displayed in red. You are able to select an expired contract, but it will only be applied to time entries within the contract's date range.
- Double-click the desired contract name or click the contract name and then click Save Selection.
If the selected contract is the default service desk contract, [Default Service Desk Contract] follows the contract name.
If the selected contract belongs to the parent organization, [Parent Contract] follows the contract name.
NOTE To remove the contract from the ticket without replacing it with another one, open the contract selector and click Clear Selection, then click Save Selection.

To select a contract for a project, do the following:
- On the New Project or Edit Project page, scroll to the Associated With section.
- Click the contract selector icon next to the Contract field.
- On the Select Contract dialog box, double-click the desired contract name or click the contract name and then click Save & Close.
NOTE If you select a contract that has a start date after the project start date or an end date before the project end date, a message opens informing you of the inconsistencies. You will be able to select the contract anyway. Make sure you edit the contract and extend the contract timeline, if appropriate.
IMPORTANT If you are editing a project that has non-posted billing items and change the existing contract, you must decide if you want to apply the new contract or keep the old one. If you chose to update the contract, all time entries will be updated even if the contract excludes the time entry's role and/or work type.
- Complete and save the new project or complete and save your edits.

Contracts can be selected manually, but also assigned to tickets or time entries automatically.
NOTE Users with time entry permissions to modify contracts on task and ticket time entries can override any automatic contract selection.
On a ticket, the following rules for automatically assigning a contract apply:
- If the ticket is associated with an device that is associated with a contract, that contract overrides all other automated contract settings. It means that the specific piece of equipment referenced in the ticket is covered by the associated contract. Refer to Contract Devices.
- If there is a default service desk contract for the customer, that contract is automatically applied to new tickets. A system setting allows you to also apply the default contract to tickets created in the Client Portal. Refer to Use default service desk contract for all Client Portal tickets.
- If there is no default contract for the organization, but the organization is a sub-organization of another organization and the parent organization has a default contract, that contract is applied to the ticket.
- If the ticket is created with a sub-issue that is excluded from the contract originally applied to the ticket and an exclusion contract exists, the exclusion contract is automatically applied to the ticket. If the exclusion contract has a default SLA, that default SLA is applied to the ticket. If there is no exclusion contract, the contract field is cleared. Refer to Contract Exclusions.
NOTE For tickets created with excluded roles or work types, a message will appear to warn you that the role or work type is excluded, but the ticket can be saved with the original contract and excluded role or work type.
On a time entry, the following rules for automatically assigning a contract apply:
- If the role or work type selected for the time entry is excluded from the contract on the time entry and an exclusion contract exists, the exclusion contract is automatically applied to the time entry. If there is no exclusion contract, the time entry will have its associated contract value cleared, and will be billed using Admin role rates and work type multipliers. Refer to Contract Exclusions.
- If the sub-issue on the ticket is excluded from the contract on the ticket's time entry and an exclusion contract exists, the exclusion contract is automatically applied to the time entry. If there is no exclusion contract, the time entry will have its associated contract value cleared, and will be billed using Admin role rates and work type multipliers. Refer to Contract Exclusions.