Using workflow rules and notifications with outsourcing

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NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Automation > Workflow Rules > Workflow Rules
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Automation > Email Notifications & Surveys > Notification Templates
In the New and Edit Workflow Rule pages, two attributes are available for tickets. The workflow rule Notification tab includes an outsource specific recipient option. In addition, the notification templates provide outsourcing related variables.

Two outsource-related attributes are available for use in Service Desk Workflow Rules. The Service Desk Workflow Rule Conditions menu contains an Insource Status attribute before the Outsource Management Usage agreement has been accepted. This attribute allows you to set up workflow rules to manage tickets outsourced to your company.
When the Outsource agreement has been accepted, an additional attribute, Outsource Status, becomes available. The additional attribute allows you to create workflow rules to manage outsourced tickets.
EXAMPLE You can configure a workflow rule that will move the ticket to a designated queue and notify the appropriate resources when a ticket is edited and the outsource or insource status changes to In Progress.
- Operators available for the outsource and insource status attributes are Equal To, Not Equal To, Changed, Changed To, and Changed From
- Values The outsource and insource statuses (Assigned, Declined, Accepted, In Progress, Complete, Unsent, Canceled, and Waiting Approval) are available to complete the condition statement.

When setting up the workflow rule notification, a role based notification recipient is available to allow automatic notification of the resource who outsourced the ticket. The Outsourced By recipient triggers a notification to this key outsourcing participant when the workflow rule fires.
There are no role based recipients available for received ticket workflow rules.

Before the Outsource agreement is accepted, the Variables selection list on the Notification Template page includes Insource Status, Service Partner Ticket Link, and Lead Partner Ticket Link variables.
When the Outsource Management module is activated an additional variable, Outsource Status, becomes available. These variables allow you to include the current ticket outsource or insource status in workflow rule notifications triggered by the ticket, and to provide a link to the lead partner's or service partner's ticket.
NOTE To avoid confusion, outsource variables should be used only in templates used for notifications related to outsourced or received tickets. If a template containing these variables is used in a notification triggered by a ticket that has not been outsourced, the insource or outsource related variables will be equal to None.