Billing the lead partner
Billing for insourced tickets requires a bit of extra attention.

The labor and charges for an insourced ticket are billed to the lead partner, not the organization or organization where the work was performed. If you mapped the lead partner organization to the correct organization in your Autotask instance, their information will appear in the Organization field on the ticket. Refer to Mapping a new lead partner.

The best way to find billing items associated with a lead partner is to create a Pending Revenue by Lead Partner widget. Refer to Setting up billing for insourced labor.

For the best way to configure insourcing in such a way that the lead partner is billed the correct amount, refer to Set up specific billing codes for insourced labor.
NOTE The right time to review billing items for insourced tickets is before you set the ticket to Insource Complete. While the ticket is Waiting Acceptance and once the insource status is complete, synchronization is suspended or ended, and you will not be able to make any changes to time entries and charges. Remember that the lead partner is approving the completion based on the time and charges that appeared on the ticket before completion.

If you have Multi-currency enabled and you insource a ticket from a lead partner in another currency, the following occurs:
When outsourcing between two Autotask instances, currency amounts will always be passed between the systems in the internal currency. The Billable Amounts of charges will be calculated on the insourcer's end using the exchange rate at the time the ticket is accepted from the outsourcer.
If the insourcer does not currently have an account configured for the outsourcer when a ticket is accepted, an account is automatically created for them. If the insourcer has Multi-currency enabled, this account will be set to use the internal currency of the insourcer by default.
NOTE Change the currency for the outsourcer's account to match the outsourcer's internal currency before any items are approved and posted. This will make invoicing the outsourcer a lot smoother.