Running a global notes search

SECURITY All users, but the user's security level determines the notes and time entries they can view in Global Notes Search. When viewing Internal Only notes, co-managing users will see You do not have permission to view internal only notes.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Home > Search > Global Notes Search
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Reports > Other > General
Notes can be attached to almost any entity in Autotask. Global Notes Search lets you search and view, but not edit, any type of note from one search page. This is useful when you don't remember what entity you attached a specific note to.
IMPORTANT The larger your Autotask database, the longer a global notes search will take to return results, and the more likely it is that the search will time out. This is a system limitation, not a bug. When this happens, you must narrow the search by applying filters. The Date Created filter, for example, lets you narrow the window of time Autotask needs to search through.
How to...

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Enter a search string into the Search For field. The results will include all notes that contain that string.
- Apply search filters as needed. Refer to Applying a search filter.
- Click Search.

The search results appear in the Notes table.
- The search results are limited to 100. If more than 100 notes exist, the number will display 1-100 of 100+ and a note will appear at the bottom of the notes list:
NOTE To reduce the number of items returned in the search results, consider filtering by additional criteria, such as a narrower range for Date Created. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys on your keyboard to select individual terms from criteria with lists such as Entity.
- All columns in the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by left-clicking on the column headings, and the column chooser is available.
- Only contract, device, project, task, and ticket notes have a Title field.
- The Note Description field displays 128 characters. If the description is longer, ". . ." will appear at the end of the description to alert you that the description has been truncated. The entire description can be viewed in the Note Details page, which can be accessed by clicking on the note. Refer to Viewing global note details for more information.
- If you have access to CRM, organization names in global notes search results appear as a link to the Organization page. Otherwise, the organization names will appear as text only.
- To-dos are not included in the Global Notes search. Once a to-do has been completed and converted to a CRM note, it will be included.
- Time entry notes do not have a note type. All other entity notes do, and it can be displayed.
- The Time Entry Note Detail page will display an additional field, the Time Entry Date Worked, since the time is not always entered right away.