Managing dashboard widgets
If you have permission to add and edit dashboard widgets, you have pretty much complete control over widgets on personal tabs. Most widget management functions are accessed from the Widget menu, which appears when you hover over the three dots in the top right corner of the widget.
On shared tabs, you can only refresh the widget, that is, re-sample the data underlying the widget.
NOTE Shared dashboard tabs are denoted by a .
Best practices
- Other than the entity type, you can edit most widget settings, and it's quicker to edit a widget than to build one. So, before you start to build a new widget, check your existing widgets and the widget library.
- Think about what types of data you need from the entity type. Do you want to report on open tickets or closed tickets? Opportunities with one time revenue or monthly revenue? If you have a clear idea of what you need, it will be easier to complete the widget settings.
- Decide what type of display will be easiest to read. You may like the way a certain visualization type looks, but it may not be the best choice for the data you want to present. For example, a needle gauge is eye catching, but if you want to monitor how your closed opportunities have been trending this year, a simple line chart is the better choice.
- Use the widget filters to focus your data for the best effect. Multiple widgets with specific information will give you more insight than one or two general widgets.
NOTE Each tab can have no more than 24 widgets. If you reach the maximum number of widgets allowed, you can delete an existing widget or start a new tab.