Editing a sales order

SECURITY You must be the sales order owner or have a security level with access to CRM and sales order object permissions
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > CRM > Search > Sales Orders > context menu > Edit Sales Order
NAVIGATION Sales Order Detail page > Edit button
Sales orders are automatically generated when you run the Won Opportunity Wizard, and cannot be manually created. They inherit information from the associated opportunity.
You can edit a sales order at any time to add additional information or to change some information inherited from the opportunity. You edit sales order information on the Edit Sales Order page. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
NOTE You cannot add or edit the quote items from the Edit window. You add items to the Sales Order from the Items view on the Sales Order Detail page. Refer to Items.
NOTE You can cancel or delete a sales order from the right-click menu on the Sales Order Search or My Sales Orders tables. Security level permission is required. For details, refer to Searching and managing sales orders.
The Edit Sales Order window has three tabs.

The Organization Name and Sales Order Name cannot be edited. All other fields can be edited.
Field Name | Description |
Organization |
Organization or Organization Name refers to the organization associated with the entity. This field is always required.
For this field, you can select a different local term. In your Autotask instance, it may be labeled Account, Business Unit, Client, Company, Customer, Organization, or Site. Refer to Selecting a currency and local terms and symbols. |
Sales Order Name |
A sales order allows you to track quoted products after a deal is closed. The Sales Order Name is inherited from the related opportunity name and cannot be edited. If a sales order has been created, its name is displayed on the associated opportunity. If you have appropriate permissions, clicking on the name will open the sales order detail page. Refer to Introduction to sales orders |
Status |
The status indicates how far the entity has progressed in a particular process. EXAMPLE On a ticket, status examples are New, In Progress, Ready to Bill, Complete, Active, etc. On other entities, status names are different. Most entities come with a default list of statuses that you can customize. The Status field is often required, since it is frequently used as a condition in workflow rules. NOTE Outsource status is separate from the standard ticket status. Charges: If an Estimated Arrival Date was added to the purchase order item, it is displayed in parentheses after the status.
Contact |
A contact is a person at an organization who is associated with the entity you are creating or editing. This field appears on many entities that display the Organization field. You must select an organization before you can select a contact. All active contacts associated with the organization plus the current contact, even if it is inactive, are available. If the organization is a sub-organization of another organization, you can select a contact from the list of parent organization contacts that appears below a dashed line. On some entities, such as ticket and opportunity, you can click the plus icon In Add or Edit mode, start typing the name of a person or click the selector icon |
Owner |
The person responsible for managing the entity. Opportunities and Sales Orders In opportunities, the field defaults to the creator. In sales orders, the field defaults to the opportunity owner. You can manually change the owner to any resource with access to CRM. You can also run the Reassign Lead Wizard from the Owner field on a saved opportunity. The Reassign Lead Wizard allows you to also reassign the organization's account manager, territory, and classification. Refer to Reassigning opportunities Queues Designating a queue owner is optional. If you do, you can create workflow rules that notify the dynamic recipient queue owner, or dynamically assign the queue owner as the ticket resource. It allows you to set up automatic ticket triage in Autotask. |
Line of Business |
Line of Business lets you classify finances and segment data. This field is displayed when Organizational Structure (Line of Business) is activated and enabled. It is available on the following entities: Contract, Opportunity, Sales Order, Project, and Ticket. Refer to Introduction to Line of Business. If a contract is associated with a different line of business than the ticket or project, billing items always inherit the line of business from the contract, not the parent entity. Refer to Line of business inheritance rules for dependent entities. Select a pairing of Business Division > Line of Business. |
Date |
This field appears in entities that are associated with a certain date. The field defaults to the current date but may be edited using the date selector. |
Promised Date |
The date by which your customer expects you to provide a service. Opportunities: Promised Fulfillment Date is commonly used for a project- or service-related opportunity. The field can be used to indicate the beginning of the project or service. The field does not affect revenue or profit forecasts. Sales Orders: This field defaults to the Promised Fulfillment Date specified for the associated opportunity, but it can be changed. |
Address Fields |
Address fields are an integral part of organization, contact, and resource records, and are inherited or propagated to entities that are part of the billing workflow. Fields include Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip Code. They can be designated Billing Address, Sold to, Bill to, and Ship to. The address format on customer-facing documents such as quotes and invoices can be customized. Complete or change the fields required for a physical or postal address. For some address fields you can select different local terms. For example, in your Autotask instance, State may be labeled Province. Refer to Selecting a currency and local terms and symbols. |
Additional Address Information |
This field appears in some entities that store addresses. Country names that cannot be mapped to an Autotask country will appear in this field. Enter any additional, non-standard address information that you need to display on customer-facing documents. |

Field Name | Description |
User-Defined Fields |
User-defined fields (UDFs) are custom fields set up by your Autotask Administrator that capture information that is unique to your business. They can be one of the following field types:
You are able to see and update this information based on your security permissions. If you do not have permission to view or update the data, it will be masked with asterisks. If you can view but not edit the data, editing will be disabled. Refer to Viewing protected data. Also review Managing user-defined fields. You must complete any required UDFs before you can save the entity. |

Field Name | Description |
Notification |
This header or section appears everywhere a notification email can be sent from Autotask, as well as the Default Settings dialog box for entities that support them. It is followed by a checklist of role-based recipients that can be selected to receive the email. In the actual email, the contacts or resources in these roles will replace the role names. Refer to Role-based notification recipients. On the entities (but not on the default settings), you can add named contacts and resources to the list of recipients and add external email addresses to the Other Email(s) fields. Customer contacts are added to the email To: field, whereas internal resources are added to the BCC: field. For the notification email to be sent, you must select or enter at least one recipient in the To:, CC:, BCC:, or Other Email(s) fields. |
Resource |
A resource is a user at your company who has an Autotask log in. Employees, consultants, or contractors must be set up as an Autotask resource if they do one of the following:
Resources are selected or referenced on many Autotask entities. They may be associated with an entity even if they are not displayed on the UI. The First Name, Last Name, and Middle Name components of a resource name are displayed either in sort order (Lang, Suzanne M.) or narrative order (Suzanne M. Lang). |
Other Email(s) |
This field appears in the Notification section of Autotask entities. It lets you send notification emails to recipients whose email is not stored in Autotask, because they are neither a customer contact nor an internal resource. On some forms, there are multiple Other Email(s) fields to allow you to distinguish between To:, CC:, and BCC: recipients. Enter the full email address for each recipient. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon. |
Notification Template |
Notification templates determine the content and layout of the notification email. Most templates contain not only the subject line and email body text, but variables that pull data right out of Autotask. NOTE If the list of recipients includes resources who lack permission to view internal notes, attachments, etc., the text pulled by the variable is replaced with See [Entity Name]. This field appears in entities that support email notification when you create or edit them. The default template is selected, but can be modified. All active notification templates for the entity and event are available. If it is present, click the preview icon |
Subject |
This field appears or is enabled in entities that support email notification when you create or edit them. It determines the Subject line for the notification email that is sent out. If you have selected a notification template, the Subject line is populated by the notification template's subject but can be modified. |
Additional Email Text |
This field appears in entities that support email notification when you create or edit them. It stores additional text you want to appear in the notification email. Enter any text that you want to appear in the notification email above the attachment or above the body text defaulted in from the template. Depending on the entity, text that you enter here may or may not save to Autotask. If saved, it will be available for viewing as a system note. |