Charge Defaults

NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Contracts > Search > Contracts > open a contract > Menu > Charge Defaults
About contract charge defaults
Charges for billing non-labor items can be created directly from material codes. If you will be using the Material Codes list as a kind of secondary product list, your Administrator may have set up a unit cost and unit price for each material code. Refer to Material codes.
On the Charge Defaults page, you can override the Unit Cost, Unit Price, and Billable setting established in the Admin module, and set up contract-specific price levels for material codes used with the contract. You can even use charge defaults to make block, retainer, and incident purchases non-billable.
Charge defaults will apply to contract charges and charges from tickets and projects associated with the contract. This gives you pricing flexibility for all contract charges associated with a material code and, for the overage in your PageConnect/XPPS contracts, it allows you to charge customers lower prices based on volume or other criteria.
NOTE Only items on the Material Codes list can have a charge default. You cannot use charge defaults to change the list price of items on the Products page.

The default price of the overage for each covered printer model or price level is set up as a material code in the Admin module, a separate one for color and mono. These material codes are mapped to each printer model/price level on the Xerox Page Pack Import > Options page.
The overage for each printer model or price level is imported during the XML PageConnect/XPPS import, and added monthly to the recurring service contract as a Contract Charge. Unless a different Contract Unit Price is specified here, the default Unit Price from the Material Code page is used.
On the Charge Default page, you can override the Admin Unit Cost, Unit Price, and Billable setting, and configure default settings for contract costs created for this contract. This is especially important for the Xerox integration because the unit price for the same material code will vary from contract to contract.
How to...

To set up contract-specific charge defaults, do the following:
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Click New. A blank row of fields will appear in the first row of the table.
- Click the selector icon and select a Material Code. The Unit Cost and Unit Price, as well as the Billable setting are defaulted in.
NOTE If you do not have permission to view internal cost data, Unit Cost will not be visible.
- Specify the Contract Unit Cost, Contract Unit Price, and edit the Billable setting, if necessary.
NOTE You can override the Billable setting on the Edit Charge page or Approve & Post > Charges page as long as the charge has not been approved and posted.
NOTE If you do not have permission to view internal cost data, Contract Unit Cost will not be visible.
- Click Save.
- To edit any row, right-click and select Edit Record.
- To delete a Charge Default setting, right-click and select Delete Record.