The project life cycle
During the life cycle of a project from creation to completion, the project manager will do a number of project-level operations.
How to...

- Your can generate all new Project content; refer to Adding a project with new content.
- You can use a Project Template; refer to Using project templates.

You can use the Autotask Data Importer to import phases and tasks from a .csv spreadsheet into an existing project. Refer to Populating the Project Phases and Tasks import template.
You can import phases and tasks from one project into another. Refer to Using project templates.

When you need to stop work on a project, either temporarily or long term, you can inactivate it.
Inactivating a project puts it on hold. The project will no longer be listed on the Projects Dashboard, and tasks will no longer appear in My > Tasks and Tickets. Resources will no longer be able to track time or enter notes on the tasks for this project.
- You can inactivate a project from the Options menu on the Project Summary, or you can edit the project and change the Status to Inactive.
- You can activate a project by changing the status to Active.
Refer to Status fields.

You can change the project type from anything to anything, but each change may impact billable items and time entries that are associated with the project. Refer to Edit general information fields.

You can edit and update project-level information that was entered when the project was created. Refer to Editing a project.

When your project is done, you should formally close out and archive the project.
Refer to Completing a project.

If you are sure the project will never move forward, you may be able to delete it.
Refer to Deleting a project.