Sliding the project schedule

SECURITY Permission to view projects. Refer to Project security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Projects > Search > Projects > click Search > context menu > View Project > Schedule
If you experience project delays or if your project is ahead of schedule, you can use the Slide Schedule tool to adjust the dates of multiple project schedule items at once.
You can select all schedule items, or specific phases, tasks, or issues, and move the dates forward or back the number of days you specify. Project settings for business days and weekends are respected.
How to...

- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Click the ID numbers of the phases, tasks, and issues you want to slide.
Click to select one item.
Ctrl + click to select multiple items that are not adjacent to each other.
Click an item and then Shift + click another item to select both items and all items in between.
Click a phase to select the phase and all items contained in the phase.
Click the check box at the head of the ID column to select all items.
- Point to the down arrow at the head of the ID column to open the bulk menu. Then select Slide.
- In the Slide Schedule page, enter the number of days to slide.
To shift the dates back in time, enter a negative number, for example, -5.
- Click Save.
NOTE The background for all schedule dates affected by the slide will be light blue and show a blue triangle in the top-right corner of the start and end date cells. The color and triangles will remain until another schedule change is saved.