Tracking private UDF field views and edits

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Devices. Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Features & Settings > Devices > Private Field History
NAVIGATION Device > Tools > Private Field History
The Private Field History page contains a log of all views and edits of device UDFs that have been set to private. Only Text (Single Line) and Text (Multi Line) type UDFs that are marked Protected can be private. Refer to Private (Device UDFs only).
Private UDFs will not appear anywhere in the UI outside of the Device pages. They will not appear for selection in any column choosers, filter choosers, widget settings, LiveReports, or system reports. They will also not appear for selection in variable lists on notification templates or invoice templates. However, private UDFs are available in the API.
To view or edit private UDFs, the user must click on its value on the Device and Edit Device pages, and all views and edits to the field are tracked.
The Private Field History table includes a row for each view and each edit made for any private field, either across all devices or for a specific device. Rows will only be shown for views and edits on devices that the user has permission to view.
If a field becomes non-private, its history will no longer be tracked. If it then becomes private again, its history will start being tracked again. To make this case more apparent, this table also includes rows representing the setting of a field as private or non-private. These rows have a stored date, field, and "action performed by" resource, and an action of "Field private setting enabled" or "Field private setting disabled". They will show no data for other columns.
NOTE The creation of a device is considered an edit to all of its private fields that were given values on create. The deletion of a device is not considered an edit to any private fields.