Configuring global Client Portal settings

SECURITY Security level with Admin permission to configure Client Portal & Taskfire. Refer to Admin security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Extensions & Integrations > Client Portal & Taskfire > Global Settings
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Commonly Used > Client Portal: Global Settings
On this page, you configure the default Client Portal and Taskfire settings that will apply to all your clients, unless they are overridden by a client-specific setting.
To configure global Client Portal and Taskfire settings, do the following:
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- Complete the following fields:
Global Settings
Field/Column Description Switch to Friendly URL If you are a legacy Autotask customer whose domain was created before we introduced friendly Client Portal Login URLs, you will see a button that lets you change to the new format: https://[yourDomainName] portals will be sub-domains of and end on ".com".
If you have multiple Autotask domains, your primary domain will be set as the Client Portal domain. This action is irreversible, and the button will disappear once you click it.
It will take about 5 minutes for the new URL to become fully available, but your old Client Portal URLs will continue to function indefinitely.
Generic Client Portal Login Displays either the old or the new "friendly" URL.
NOTE Only the "friendly" URL will display any custom logos or even custom logos for specific customers. The logo for the old URL is "Powered by Datto."
All of your clients can access Client Portal using this URL, but if you have uploaded a custom login logo for them, direct them to their individual URL, listed on their Client Portal Organization Detail page. Refer to Client Portal Login.
Show tickets created on or after (blank to show all) If you would like to hide tickets that were created before a certain date, enter that date. When your clients search for and view tickets in the Client Portal, they will only see tickets created after the date you entered here. NOTE If you leave the field blank, all tickets ever created will be available through a client search.
When a note is added set Status to (non-Taskfire) If you want the ticket or task status to change when a note is added by a Client Portal user, select the desired status from the menu. NOTE This setting does not apply to Taskfire clients.
When an issue is created use the task category The task category determines what fields are visible and required on the task pages. Accept the system default task category or select another category to assign to issues created by a client in the Client Portal.
If the selected category does not set the default Start Date/Time and End Date/Duration values, the Portal sets the following:
- Start Date equal to the date the issue is created
- End Date equal to the issue create date plus 2 days.
Refer to Managing categories.
Landing Page Highlight Color The color that indicates the selected option on the Client Portal home page defaults to light blue, but can be customized. To change the highlight color, enter a different hex code. Display Invoice Paid Date in Client Portal This check box controls whether the Recent Invoices card on the Client Portal Home page and the Invoices report display the Payment Due Date column and the Paid Date column. Links Manage Global Quick Ticket Settings (non-Taskfire Clients only) Click this link to enable the Quick Ticket feature for your Client Portal users, and to manage the global Quick Ticket defaults in Client Portal. You may override these settings on a client-by-client basis, if you wish. Refer to Managing the Quick Ticket feature. NOTE These settings apply only to non-Taskfire clients. Clients using Taskfire will manage their own Quick Ticket settings.
Manage User Security Levels Click this link to go to the Manage Security Levels page, where you can add and edit custom security levels, and view the system security levels that come with the Client Portal. Refer to Managing Client Portal and Taskfire security levels and Adding or editing Client Portal security levels. Global Authentication Settings
Field/Column Description Two-factor Authentication (2FA) (Global default) As a service provider, you are able to turn on the Two-factor Authentication (2FA) requirements for all Client Portal customers.
NOTE You modify the 2FA requirements at the organization level. Refer to Configuring settings for individual clients.
The following options are available:
- Not required: this is the default setting.
- Taskfire Users Only(available if Taskfire is enabled): only users with a Taskfire security level are required to use 2FA. Regular Client Portal users will not have to configure 2FA.
- All Users: requires both regular Client Portal and Taskfire users to configure 2FA.
Lock login after # failures (blank to never lock) Enter the maximum number of attempts allowed before a Client Portal user account is locked automatically. Users can log into the Client Portal using either the username and password they set up in response to the welcome email they received, or they can use an Identity Provider (IdP). Here, you select the public identity providers that will be available to your clients on the Client Portal login page. The following public IdPs will be available:
- Microsoft
If the associated email is the user's Primary Email Address in your Autotask instance, users who have an account with the selected providers can use their Google or Microsoft credentials to log in.
You can also configure custom identity providers for clients. Refer to Setting up a custom Identity Provider.
Device Notifications
Field/Column Description Emails to Notify(separate with semi-colon) Enter the email addresses of internal resources you want to be notified when Client Portal and Taskfire users create new devices. This might be your contract manager who ensures that unit counts of the service contract are updated. Notification Template Select the device notification template you'd like to use for these emails. Only templates associated with the Device - Created or Edited event are available. NOTE Administrators can create new notification templates or customize the content of the current notification templates on the Client Portal/Taskfire tab of the Notification Templates page. Refer to Adding or editing notification templates.
Client Portal Early Access Settings
If you have activated Client Portal Early Access, you will see the following additional section on this page: Client Portal Early Access Settings. In this section, you can edit the default branding colors of the new Client Portal to match your corporate colors.
To modify a branding color, simply paste the hex code of the new color into the fields.
Click Save.