Integrated Customer Billing (ICB) Billing Types
When you use Integrated Customer Billing, you'll bill your customer using a recurring service contract. Billing Types are the billing vehicles for the unit counts synced from these modules. Refer to Integrated Customer Billing for more information.

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
BullphishID Phishing Module Metric Type | The metric on which billing is based is whether the phishing and training module is enabled or disabled. | True/False |
BullphishID Training Module Metric Type | The metric on which billing is based is whether the phishing and training module is enabled or disabled. | True/False |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Devices | The number of devices found in Network and Computer scans that have been turned on or checked in to a Domain Controller in the past 30 days. | Count |
Is Enabled | Indicates whether a Compliance Manager site exists in the Organization. | True/False |
Users | Sum total of the following users detected by scans, where the applicable scan type is available: Active Directory Users (Network Scan), Local Users (Computer Scans), and Microsoft Azure AD Users who have logged in the last 30 days (Microsoft Cloud Scan). | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Is Enabled | Indicates whether a Compliance Manager site exists in the organization. | True/False |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Dark Web ID Live Searches per Month | Dark web ID live searches per month. | Count |
Dark Web ID Personal Email Monitoring | Dark web ID personal email monitoring. | Count |
IDA Dark Web Monitoring Setup | Setup fee for dark web monitoring. | Enabled |
Live Search for .Gov Domain | Live search for .gov domains (excludes .mil domains). | Count |
Number of Domains | Total number of domains monitored. | Count |
Supply Chain Monitoring for MSPs | Supply chain monitoring for MSPs. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Per Device | RFT per device counts metric. | Count |
Per Linux Device | RFT per Linux device counts metric. | Count |
Per macOS Device | RFT per macOS device counts metric. | Count |
Per Windows Device | RFT per Windows device counts metric. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Agent Service | Siris X Series, billed per agent. | Count |
Device Hardware | Hardware cost. | Count |
Device Service | Billing based on device and retention. | Count |
Is Enabled | Indicator that service is enabled for the organization. | True/False |
Per <BCDR model> | Total number of <BCDR model> for the organization. | Count |
Per <BCDR model> Agent | Total number of <BCDR model> agents for the organization. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Per Device | Number of devices with an active license that have connected to the platform in the previous 24 hours. RFT per device counts metric. | Count |
Per Linux Device | RFT per Linux device counts metric. | Count |
Per macOS Device | RFT per macOS device counts metric. | Count |
Per Windows Device | RFT per Windows device counts metric. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Is Enabled | Indicator that Datto Backup for Microsoft Azure is enabled for the organization. | True/False |
Per Managed Disk Capacity | Total managed disk capacity for the organization. | Sum |
Per VM | Number of virtual machines per organization. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Is Enabled | Indicator that service is enabled for an organization. | True/False |
Per License | Number of licenses per organization. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Closed Critical Alerts | Number of closed critical alerts. | Count |
Closed Warning Alerts | Number of closed warning alerts. | Count |
Devices Connected In The Past Month (3-30 days) | Number of devices connected in the past 3 - 30 days. | Count |
Devices Offline More Than 1 Month (> 30 days) | Number of devices offline more than 30 days. | Count |
Open Critical Alerts | Number of open critical alerts. | Count |
Open Warning Alerts | Number of open warning alerts. | Count |
per desktop licenses | Number of desktop/laptop licenses allocated. | Count |
Recently Connected Devices | Number of devices connected in the last 3 days. | Count |
Servers Completed Backup | Number of servers that have completed backup. | Count |
Servers Failed Backup | Number of servers that have failed to back up. | Count |
Servers Pending File Access | Number of servers that cannot access files and complete backup. | Count |
Servers with Backup Errors | Number of servers that cannot complete backup due to errors. | Count |
Servers with No Backup Status Data | Number of servers that have no backup status data. | Count |
Unavailable Servers | Number of servers that have not connected to the service. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
![]() List of devices
Number of devices. | Count |
One gateway per network. Many networks can be mapped to one organization. | Count |
Monthly, 1Y, 2Y, and 3Y. | Count |
Number of licenses (month to month subscription). | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
AllDevicesMetric | Total of all RMM devices for customer sites (excludes smartphones, tablets, and unapproved devices). | Count |
DattoAccessPointMetric | Total of all Datto Access Point Devices for customer/site. | Count |
DattoContinuityMetric | Total of all Datto Continuity Devices for customer/site. | Count |
DattoPowerMetric | Total of all Datto Power Devices for customer/site. | Count |
DattoRouterMetric | Total of all Datto Router Devices for customer/site. | Count |
DattoSwitchMetric | Total of all Datto Switch Devices for customer/site. | Count |
DesktopAndLaptopMetric | Total of all RMM desktop and laptop devices for customer/site. |
Count |
DesktopMetric | Total of all RMM desktop devices for customer/site. | Count |
ESXiHostMetric | Total of all RMM ESXiHost Devices for customer/site. | Count |
FirewallMetric | Total of all Firewall Devices for customer/site. | Count |
IPPhoneMetric | Total of all IPPhone Devices for customer/site. | Count |
LaptopMetric | Total of all RMM laptop devices for customer/site. | Count |
license-utilization-pooled-asm | Total number of licenses for Advanced Software Management. | Count |
license-utilization-pooled-managed | Total number of licenses for managed devices only. | Count |
NASMetric | Total of all NAS Devices for customer/site. | Count |
NetworkApplianceMetric | Total of all Network Appliance Devices for customer/site. | Count |
NetworkDeviceMetric | Total of all RMM Network Devices (Other) for customer/site. | Count |
NetworkMetric | Total of all RMM Network Devices for customer/site. This can be any kind of network device. | Count |
PrinterMetric | Total of all RMM printers for customer/site. | Count |
RouterMetric | Total of all RMM Router Devices for customer/site. | Count |
SANMetric | Total of all SAN Devices for customer/site. | Count |
ServerMetric | Total of all RMM server devices for customer/site. | Count |
SwitchMetric | Total of all RMM Switch Devices for customer/site. | Count |
UnknownMetric | Total of all unidentified UPS Devices for customer/site. | Count |
UPSMetric | Total of all RMM UPS Devices for customer/site. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Is Enabled | Indicator that SaaS Defense is enabled for the organization. | True/False |
Per License | Number of used licenses in SaaS Defense for the organization. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
is Enabled | Indicator that service is enabled for the organization. | True/False |
Per 500 GB Unit | Per blocks of 500 GB per organization. | Count |
Per Amount of Protected Disk Usage | Protected disk usage by organization. | Sum |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Active Licenses | The number of inboxes/email accounts Graphus is charging you for. Graphus does not charge for shared, work, or room inboxes. | Count |
Protected Inboxes | Overall number of protected inboxes including the ones that you are not charged for. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Devices | The number of devices found in Network and Computer scans that have been turned on or checked into a Domain Controller in the past 30 days. | Count |
Is Enabled | Indicates whether a Network Detective Pro site exists in the organization. | True/False |
Users | Sum total of the following users detected by scans, where the applicable scan type is available: Active Directory Users (Network Scan), Local Users (Computer Scans), and Microsoft Azure AD Users who have logged in the last 30 days (Microsoft Cloud Scan). | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Number of Agents | Total active agents for the organization. | Count |
Number of Devices | Total of active agents and firewalls for the organization. | Count |
Number of Firewalls | Total active firewalls for the organization. | Count |
Number of Mailboxes | Total mailboxes for the organization. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Is Enabled | Indicator that SaaS Protection is enabled for the organization. | True/False |
Per License | Number of used licenses in SaaS Protection for the organization. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Is Spanning Backup for Google Workspace Enabled | Spanning Backup for Google Workspace in use. | True/False |
Per Spanning Backup for Google Workspace Archived Licenses | Number of Google Workspace Spanning Archived licenses in use to the domain. | Count |
Per Spanning Backup for Google Workspace Standard License In Use | Number of Google Workspace Spanning licenses in use to the domain. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Is Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365 Enabled | Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365 In Use | True/False |
Per Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365 Archived License In Use | Number of O365 Spanning Archived license in use to the domain. | Count |
Per Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365 Standard License In Use | Number of O365 Spanning license in use to the domain. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Access Points | Number of access point devices. | Count |
Firewall | Number of access firewall devices. | Count |
Others | Number of unidentified devices. | Count |
Routers | Number of active router devices. | Count |
Servers | Number of server devices. | Count |
Switches | Number of active switch devices. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
3pp Enabled | Devices that have 3pp active for at least one device in a given organization. | True/False |
Agented Devices | Number of devices that have an agent installed. | Count |
Bitdefender Enabled | Bitdefender is active for at least one device in a given organization. | True/False |
Devices with Bitdefender | Number of devices that have an agent installed and have Bitdefender installed. | Count |
Devices with Patch Management | Number of devices that have an agent installed and have an active patch policy applied. | Count |
Devices with Ransomware Detection | Number of devices that have an agent installed and have Ransomware Detection installed. | Count |
Devices with Webroot | Number of devices that have an agent installed and have Webroot installed. | Count |
Linux | Number of devices that have an agent installed and are listed as a "Linux". | Count |
Mac | Number of devices that have an agent installed and are listed as a "mac". | Count |
MDM Devices | Number of devices that are enrolled in MDM (includes Agentless and Agented devices). | Count |
Monitored Agented Devices | Number of agented devices that have a monitoring policy assigned. | Count |
Monitored Network Devices | Number of enrolled network devices (enrolled devices that do not have an agent and are not enrolled in MDM) that have a monitoring assigned directly or through a monitoring policy. | Count |
Network Devices | Number of enrolled devices that do not have an agent installed and are not enrolled in MDM. | Count |
Online devices | Number of devices that have an agent installed and were online in the last 30 days. | Count |
Ransomware Detection Enabled | Ransomware detection is active for at least one device in a given organization. | True/False |
Servers | Number of devices that have an agent installed and are listed as a "server". | Count |
Total Licensed Devices | Total number of devices under management (defined as having consumed a single device license whether it is network-enrolled, has an agent, or is MDM-enrolled. A device will only count once regardless of its enrollment types). | Count |
Webroot Enabled | Webroot is active for at least one device in a given organization. | True/False |
Windows Server | Number of devices that have an agent installed and are listed as a "server" and the operating system is Windows. | Count |
Windows Workstation | Number of devices that have an agent installed and are listed as a "workstation" and the operating system is Windows. | Count |
Workstations | Number of devices that have an agent installed and are listed as a "workstation". | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Is Enabled | Indicates whether a Compliance Manager site exists for the organization. | True/False |
Scanned Device | The number of devices scanned. A device may have multiple IP addresses. | Count |
Scanned IP Address | The number of IP addresses with listening ports scanned. | Count |

Billing Type Name | Description | Unit of Measure |
Per GB additional storage | Number of allocated GB of additional storage to all active, unlimited plan teams and exceeding free license value in the Internal Use License (IUL) team. | Count |
Per Server (Metered Storage plan) | Number of server licenses allocated to all active, metered plan teams and exceeding free license value in the Internal Use License (IUL) team. | Count |
Per Server (Unlimited Storage plan) | Number of server licenses allocated to all active, unlimited plan teams and exceeding free license value in the Internal Use License (IUL) team. | Count |
Per User (Metered Storage plan) | Number of user licenses allocated to all active, metered plan teams and exceeding free license value in the Internal Use License (IUL) team. | Count |
Per User (Unlimited Storage plan) | Number of user licenses allocated to all active, unlimited plan teams and exceeding free license value in the Internal Use License (IUL) team. | Count |