Establishing weekly billable hours goals
BEFORE YOU BEGIN This feature may be hidden in your Autotask instance because it is not activated. If so, you can activate it on the Left Navigation Menu > Admin > Admin Categories > Activations page. Refer to Activations.
About weekly billable hours goals
Yes, if you want to track resource productivity.
Billable hours are resource hours that you can bill to a customer. If a resource's work week is 40 hours and their weekly billable hours goal is 20 hours, they are expected to be 50% billable. The higher the number of billable hours, the higher the resource utilization and resource productivity.
- Not all work hours are billable. The part of each day that is given over to administrative tasks, meetings, etc. is tracked as regular time. Refer to Internal time codes.
- For the purposes of the weekly billable hours goal, all labor tracked with a billable Work Type will count as billable hours. For information on setting up Work Types, refer to Introduction to billing for labor.
Who should have a weekly billable hours goal?
It makes sense to establish a weekly billable hours goal for all resources who do customer-facing work. A number of reports allow you to compare the goal to the actual number of billable hours. Refer to Reports about resource utilization and productivity.
Setting weekly billable hours goals
- To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
- The Weekly Billable Hours Goal column appears all the way to the right. It contains an editable field for each employee that defaults to 0.
- To set a weekly billable hours goal, enter a number up to 100% of the weekly available hours which are displayed in the column to the left.
- Repeat for each resource you want to set weekly billable hours.
- Click Save before leaving the page.
NOTE You can also set up or edit the weekly billable hours goal for an individual resource on the HR tab of the Resource Management page. Refer to Adding, editing, or copying a resource.