The Project Schedule page

SECURITY Permission to view projects. Refer to Project security settings.
NAVIGATION Left Navigation Menu > Projects > Search > Projects > click Search > context menu > View Project > Schedule
About the schedule page
The schedule is the core of any project. It contains the task assignments and timeline. From the Schedule page you can add, assign, and manage tasks, phases, and issues, and modify the timeline. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
NOTE The Project schedule is designed to manage up to 2000 schedule items. Larger schedules take longer to load and to complete complex actions. We suggest you limit schedules to around 1000 items.
In addition, performance testing shows that browser selection has an impact on performance. In testing, Chrome consistently provided the best performance.
The page consists of the menu toolbar, and the schedule table.
The menu toolbar
The menu toolbar is located above the schedule table. It includes the following menus and buttons:

Click the Gantt Chart icon to display a visual timeline of the project schedule. Refer to The Gantt chart (timeline view).

The New menu includes various options to create phases, tasks, and issues. Items can be added directly to the schedule, or by opening the New page for the element. You can also add new accessories (notes, attachments, charges, and expenses).
Option | Description |
Open in schedule | Using these menu items or the keyboard shortcuts, you can add schedule items directly into the schedule. If you do not select a row when you add a task or phase directly into the schedule, the new item is added to the end of the schedule. If you select a row in the schedule before you add a new item, the new item is added below the selected row.
EXAMPLE The selected row ID number is 2.1, the new item number is 2.2.
EXAMPLE The selected row ID number is 2.1, the new item number is 2.1.1 NOTE You can use keyboard shortcuts (hot keys) to quickly add tasks, phases, or issues directly into the schedule. Select the row as described above and enter the key combination shown in parentheses in the New menu. For example, to add a task, use Ctrl + Shift + o. Currently, the shortcuts do not work for Safari on Macs. |
Open in "New" page | Refer to: |
Refer to: |

This menu lets you control what is displayed on the schedule table. The "Outline" view is the default.
Menu Option | Description |
Outline (All) | The standard view for the Schedule page. It shows the entire schedule in outline, or list, form. The Schedule page does not reload every time you navigate to it from the project menu. It will only reload when you:
Select Outline (All) to return to this view from another view. |
Phases | The schedule displays all phase levels, but no tasks or issues. |
Phase Budgets | For all phase levels. Multiple columns that are budget related, for example, Budgeted Hours and Percent Complete, display totals for each phase and for the project. Refer to Adding or editing a phase. |
Baseline | Displays the baseline schedule. This is a snapshot of the project phases, tasks and resources that was saved in the past. The phases and tasks in a project baseline are not directly editable. You can review them and print the view for future reference. |
Tasks and Issues: Select an option to display only the tasks and issues of the type selected and the phases that contain them. These views separate out schedule items that might require immediate attention. |
Overdue | Displays tasks or issues where the original End Date of the task or issue is past. |
Complete | Displays tasks or issues where the status is Complete. |
Incomplete | Displays tasks or issues where the status is not equal to Complete. |
Block Successor Tasks | Displays incomplete tasks that are predecessors and/or successors for other tasks that cannot be started until they are completed. |
Cannot be Completed on Time | Remaining estimated hours and resource availability will not allow the task to be completed by the End Date. |
Issues | Shows all tasks of type Issue. |
Expand/Collapse All | |
Expand All or Collapse All | Click to collapse or expand all phases. |

The Actions menu contains a variety of project management functions.
Menu Option | Description |
Import from... | |
.CSV File | Loads the Phase/Task Import History page. From this page, you can import phases and tasks into your schedule that were saved in .CSV format. Refer to Populating the Project Phases and Tasks import template. |
Autotask Template | Opens a dialog box that displays the Import from Template wizard. Refer to Use the Import from Template wizard. |
Save Project as... | |
Baseline | Saves a "snapshot" of the project at this time. You can open the Baseline from the View menu at any time in the future to assess the progress of the project. You can save only one baseline. If you click Baseline, you will overwrite any previously saved baseline. |
Autotask Template | Opens a dialog box that displays the Save as Project Template wizard. Refer to Save a project as a template. |
Project | |
Edit | Opens the Edit Project page. Refer to Editing a project. |
Mark Project as Complete | Updates the status of the project and all tasks to Complete, without walking you through the Complete Project Wizard. For information on the Complete Project Wizard, refer to Completing a project. |
Recalculate Project Schedule
The Project Schedule Settings determine if the non-business days and holidays of the Internal Location associated with the project are excluded when tasks and issues are scheduled. If the holiday schedule for the internal location changes, the project schedule is not updated automatically. To update the project schedule, click Recalculate Project Schedule. This may shift the start and/or end dates of tasks and issues. |
Edit Project Settings | Refer to Schedule settings and Use Capacity to Calculate Duration. |
Delete | Refer to Deleting a project. |
Other | |
View Workload Report | Refer to Workload report. |

LiveLinks are intelligent "links" from Autotask to external applications or web sites, or customized links within Autotask. Refer to LiveLinks.

Click to export the schedule as a .csv file. Only visible columns are included. All phases are expanded.

Check Use Capacity to Calculate Duration to automatically calculate task duration and end dates for Fixed Work type tasks, based on the daily capacity of the assigned resources.
After you select the check box, automatic calculation will apply to any new tasks that are added. For existing tasks, dates will update only when you edit one or more of the following fields on the task: Start Date, End Date, Estimated Hours, or Primary or Secondary Resources.
- If resources are assigned to the task, and those resources have a daily capacity assigned, the calculations use the individual resource capacity.
- If no resource is assigned, the calculations use the project level daily resource capacity.
When Use Capacity... is enabled, the duration of a Fixed Work task is calculated as follows:
Value | Calculation |
Hours/Resource | Total Estimated Hours divided by the number of assigned resources |
Duration per resource
Hours/Resource divided by the resource's Daily Capacity IMPORTANT Estimated hours for tasks are not added together by Autotask. Instead, the resource capacity is considering each task separately. Due to this limitation, if several tasks are assigned to the same resource on the same day, the resource could go over their Daily Resource Capacity. |
Task duration
Equal to longest resource duration EXAMPLE For example, a task has two resources assigned. The task Hours/Resource = 6. |
NOTE If the task displays a calendar alert icon in the schedule Alert column, click the icon to read the message. It might indicate that the task end date was manually adjusted. This stores an offset for the task and the dates may not adjust as expected.

Click this icon to open a dialog box that lets you move columns onto the schedule table.

Click to update changes to schedule page, especially after importing phases and tasks from a CSV file.

Click to display a dialog box that displays total estimated hours and the duration (in days) for the project.
The schedule table

The schedule table contains two types of items: phases, and tasks and issues.
NOTE If you are displaying User-Defined Fields on the schedule table and are experiencing performance issues, hide the displayed UDF columns.

Phases are containers that organize tasks and issues into groups. The groups can represent anything you choose: for example, periods of time, separate goals that must be met to complete the project, or tasks assigned to a specific team or resource.
The task category determines if phases are optional or required. If they are not required, you can create a project as a simple list of tasks. Or, you can set up multiple (up to 15) nested levels of phases to organize your tasks and issues.
Phases can overlap in time. Their position in the schedule table does not necessarily indicate a relationship in time. In order to view phases and their tasks and issues on a timeline, click the Gantt chart icon. Refer to The Gantt chart (timeline view).
In the schedule, phase rows that contain a task or another phase are shaded light gray. Each phase has a unique ID number that reflects the phase's position in the schedule display. Tasks and issues contained in the phase or sub-phase also have a unique ID number. It begins with the phase ID number followed by a decimal point. The numbering after the decimal point reflects the item's position within the phase.
The phase end date is inherited from the latest end date of the tasks within the phase. If the end date of a task within the phase is bumped to a date greater than the phase end date, the phase end date adjusts.
NOTE Phases do not have a status assigned, but when all items contained in a phase are set to complete, the phase will display Complete in the schedule Status column.
A phase without any tasks cannot be set to Complete.

Two types of assignments appear on the schedule:
- Tasks are assigned to one or more internal resources or customer contacts. Internal resources can work on, complete, and enter time against a task. For client projects, resource time appears in approve and post for billing. Customer contacts can work on a task and complete the task if they have access to Client Portal.
- Issues are internal tasks that most often are not part of the original project schedule, but are added as the project progresses to handle unexpected needs. Frequently they are a high priority because they have the potential to derail the project.
Tasks and issues are identical, except for the following:
- On the project schedule, issues are identified by an issue icon. To display the issue icon
, select the Issue column in the column chooser.
- On the Projects dashboard, a link to all your open issues is displayed.
- Issues can also be created by Client Portal users, whereas tasks cannot.
NOTE We recommend that you use tasks for the majority of your project assignments. Reserve issues for tasks that require special attention, like unforeseen tasks, or tasks that have the potential to delay a project.
Tasks and issues can be at the project level or nested inside a phase or sub-phase. They can behave independently within the project, or have assigned interdependencies.
NOTE Unless stated otherwise, "tasks" include both tasks and issues.

Each phase, task, and issue listed in the schedule has an ID number. The ID numbers use decimal places to indicate each item's position in the schedule and its relationship to the other schedule items. When you move a phase, task or issue in the schedule, the item's ID number updates to reflect the new position in the schedule.
ID numbers are independent of a schedule item's date. A high ID number does not necessarily indicate that the task is scheduled for a later date in the project.

To move items, slide dates for items, or add a new item below a specific item, you must select the item.
To do this... | ...use this keystroke combination |
Select a task or issue | Click the row ID |
Select the phase and all items contained in the phase | Click the phase row ID |
Select a range of adjacent items | Click an item, press Shift + click the last item |
Select multiple items that are not adjacent to each other | Ctrl + click |
Select all schedule items | Click the check box in the ID column header |
De-select a row | Ctrl + click the ID number |

You can select any row in the schedule and drag it to a new place.
- Click and hold the row's ID number.
- When you see the four-pointed arrow, continue to hold the row as you drag it to the intended place.
- Release the row.
The ID number of the items you move, along with items that follow them in the schedule, update automatically.
NOTE Moving the position of an item in the schedule does not impact the start and end dates of any items.

The context menu and the bulk menu contain options to change a schedule item's hierarchy level by indenting or outdenting the item.
- Indenting (shift + ctrl + right arrow) moves the item to the right, one level down in the project outline
- Outdenting (shift + ctrl + left arrow) moves the item to the left, one level up in the project outline
The ID number adjusts to indicate the item's new position in the hierarchy.
When you indent a task or phase that is already at the lowest sub-level on this branch, the item in the row above becomes a sub-phase, and a copy of the task or phase is made and placed into the sub-phase.
Before the indent:
After the indent:
When you outdent a task or sub-phase, it loses the ID numbering from the phase above it. A phase or sub-phase is never created when you outdent a task.

The second column of each schedule row displays the context menu icon. Hover over the icon to open a menu of commands. Not all commands are available for each item type.
Option | Description |
General | |
View Details | Opens the Detail page for the listed item. Tasks and Issues only. Refer to The Task page. |
View Task History | Opens a dialog box that displays a list of all changes made to the task. Refer to The Task and Issue History pages. |
Edit | Opens the Edit page for the project (first line only), phase, task, or issue. Refer to Adding or editing a task. |
Complete | Sets the item status to complete. Completed items no longer appear in the My Tasks and Tickets list of assigned resources. They do not appear in the list of tasks when you select View My Tasks for Projects from the right-click menu on the My Projects page. |
Forward / Modify | Allows you to quickly modify selected fields or change the Primary Resource on this task. Refer to Forwarding and modifying tasks. |
Add to My Work List | Allows you to add the task to your Work List. Refer to Using work lists |
Add to Primary Resource's Work List | Allows you to add the task to the primary resource's Work List. Refer to Using work lists |
Add to Other Resource's Work List | Allows you to add the task to the Work List of one or more additional resource's. This option opens a resource selector populated with all active resources. You can select one or more resources. Refer to Using work lists. |
Delete | Deletes the item. You cannot delete tasks with time entries, or phases that contain these tasks. Deletion cannot be undone. |
New | |
Time Entry | Opens the task time entry page. Refer to Adding and editing time on a task. |
Start/Stop Time Entry | Opens the Start/Stop Time Entry page. Available only when the system setting "Require users to enter start and stop time on project tasks" is enabled. |
Time Entry for Service Call | If the task was added to a service call, you can use the start and end times of the service call to enter time on the task. Refer to Context menu options. |
Note | Opens the New Note page. Refer to Adding or editing project or project phase notes. |
Attachment | Opens the Add Attachment page. Refer to Adding and managing attachments. |
Expense | Opens the New Expense page. Refer to Adding and editing expenses. |
Change Order (Charge) | Opens the Project Charge window with the Charge Orders material code defaulted in. Complete this page to track and bill for a change order. Refer to Apply a change order charge. |
Copy of this Task | Opens the Add Task page, pre-populated with the data from the selected task. The Title field will display the title of the original task preceded by "Copy of". You can edit as needed and save as a new task. |
Form Template | Opens the Form Template Editor for tasks. Refer to Adding and editing form templates. |
Service Call | Opens the Add Service Call page from which you can schedule a new service call for the task or add the task to an existing service call. Refer to Creating and managing service calls from a task or ticket. |
Cancel / Restore Task
Sets the task status to Complete and estimated hours to 0. The task no longer appears in My Tasks and Tickets for the assigned resources, and resources can not enter time on it. The task appears as disabled in the Project schedule but can be edited. In the context menu, the Cancel Task option is replaced by the Restore task. NOTE The task status remains Complete, and must be adjusted manually. |
Move Item | |
Outdent | Moves the item to the left in the schedule and one level up in the ID number sequence. Refer to Indent or outdent schedule items. |
Indent | Moves the item to the right in the schedule and one level down in the ID number sequence. Refer to Indent or outdent schedule items. |

The ID column header displays a small down arrow that opens the bulk menu. The bulk menu provides commands to execute actions on multiple selected rows.
Menu Option | Description |
Outdent or Indent | Moves all selected schedule items to the right or left one level in the schedule. Refer to Indent or outdent schedule items. |
Forward/Modify | Changes specified fields, including Primary Resource or Worktype, for all selected tasks. Refer to Forwarding and modifying tasks. |
Add to My Work List | Adds all selected items to your Work List. Refer to Using work lists. |
Slide | Moves the dates for all selected schedule items by a specified number of dates. Refer to Sliding the project schedule. |
Complete | Sets the status for each selected item to complete. Note that unless your Autotask administrator has enabled the Allow time entry on completed tasks system setting, you will not be able to enter time on completed tasks. |
Copy Selected Task Numbers/Titles to Clipboard |
Selected task numbers and titles are copied to the clipboard. |
Delete | Deletes the selected items. All deletion restrictions apply. |

Menu Option | Description |
General | |
Edit | Opens the Edit Phase page. Refer to Adding or editing a phase. |
Complete | This field cannot be edited. The phase status will be updated automatically when all tasks in the phase are complete. |
Delete | Deletes phase, including all sub-items. All restrictions apply. |
New | |
Note | Adds a note to the phase. Refer to Adding or editing project or project phase notes. |
Move Item | |
Outdent or Indent | Moves the phase to the right or left one level in the schedule. Refer to Indent or outdent schedule items. |

The columns in the table display the phase and task fields that are required, plus any that were selected in the Column Chooser. The columns are described in the Add or Edit a Task topic under Task fields, Details panel.
NOTE BEST PRACTICE: Display columns in the following order:
1. Required columns
2. Columns required in any of your task categories
3. If your projects are relatively short, all other columns in alphabetical order. If you have very large projects, only display the required columns.

The Schedule has six required columns: Alert, Phase/Task/Issue, Start Date, End Date, Work Type, and Resource(s). Several dozen additional columns are available from the column chooser.
If you try to add tasks or issues with a task category that has additional required fields, you will get a message that you must add the columns to the schedule table. Click the Column Chooser icon and move the required column from the Available to the Selected Columns pane.

The Alert column displays a calendar icon in the row when changes to that item may interfere with predecessor dependencies, prevent a task from completing on time, or cause other variations from automatically calculated data.
EXAMPLE A date has been manually adjusted, or a phase date was shifted, causing its sub items to shift. It can also indicate that the task is preventing another task from starting on time; for example, if a fixed duration task is a predecessor task, it is not complete, and the current date is after the item's end date.
An exclamation point icon on the calendar indicates one or more of the following more serious problems:
- The task may not be completed on time or is already overdue.
- A successor task was completed prior to its predecessor task.
- A manually entered value for % complete is different from system calculated value.
- The task has triggered more than one alert.
Click the icon to open the alert message page. You will see one or more messages that describe the condition that triggered the alert.
For most alerts, the message offers an option to correct or improve the condition. You can click to implement the option or close the alert without taking action.

To display a milestone icon to easily identify each phase associated with a milestone in the project schedule, select the Milestone column in the column chooser.
For additional information, refer to Manage associated contract milestones.
Additional resources
For the impact of remaining and estimated hours on service calls, refer to Use Hours to be Scheduled when working with service calls.